La canción de hoy de Herrera: “The Other Side Of The Sun” de Janis Ian

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Tiempo de lectura: 1' Actualizado 07:54

Es la historia de una canción. Janis Ian es la dulcísima creadora neoyorquina que dejó en los 70 una serie de perlas como está. Era mejor que despertar o enfocar una mañana que hacerlo al otro lado del sol. Desde más allá del otro lado del sol, Janis Ian, la Historia de una canción.


Leaving on a boat
For beyond the other side of the ocean
I'll bet you in the morning
You won't even know I'm gone
Tired of living here
In the middle of a mixed emotion
I might as well be living
On the other side of the sun.

Leaving with the feeling
I don't know how I'm dealing
With loving you
Though once I knew
The special way
And what to do
To make you stay
Forever and ever
Even as I'm leaving
I'll never stop believing
You are the one
Who can make me laugh
And can bring me back
From beyond the other side of the sun.

Rolling down the river
I hope I can deliver the morning
Wishing on a star
For the sun to come out and play
Funny, when it's over
You really don't remember the warnings
You might as well be living
Out beyond the Milky Way
(Forever and ever)

Leaving with the feeling
I don't know how I'm dealing
With loving you
Though once I knew
The special way
And what to do
To make you stay
Forever and ever
Even as I'm leaving
I'll never stop believing
You are the one
Who can make me laugh
And can bring me back
From beyond the other side of the sun.

Leaving with the feeling
I don't know how I'm dealing
With loving you
Though once I knew
The special way
And what to do
To make you stay
Forever and ever
Even as I'm leaving
I'll never stop believing
You are the one
Who can make me laugh
And can bring me back
From beyond the other side of the sun
From beyond the other side of the sun.